Countdown to launch....
T minus 10 days...Emily and Ally |
Elizabeth is headed across the pond to study in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Paris for a Semester Abroad. She will be traveling all over studying Brit Lit etc. Should be amazing. For her.
(Um...What crazy parents said she could go so far away for so long!!??! )
When she returns she hopes to be rooming in the Bethel apartments with her amazing roomie and friend Eva and friend Carli.
Elizabeth and Eva |
As for the rest of us- we have gotten used to these beauties being home again and will need to reset again. Sigh. (Although Justin might be a little excited to re-establish his top dog status.) But if you see a Homme clan member acting weepy- don't mind us- we just miss the girls. And no judging-
I might have recently added- Whatsapp, Hangouts, Voxer, and Snapchat on my phone to supplement the beauty of Facetime.