Saturday, September 10, 2011


Before the race. . . Me and my girl Liz- my running buddy.

I never dreamed I would be able to run in a race. I challenged the girls to run with me during the summer and work up to a 5k. Elizabeth and I stuck with it and have been running several times a week all summer. Once Jay signed us up for the Harvest Classic 5k we started getting nervous! Well- we did it! And it was fun!-What a beautiful, crisp, Rochester morning and a great sense of accomplishment!

Jim ran the Harvest Classic too. He was very sweet and kept us company before the race- and made sure we were all ready to go before Jay could arrive. Jackie Tilburt started with us too- so fun. Halfway through the race Shelly and Libby Gabe were there to cheer us on. What great friends we have!

Poor Jay- we made him run with us- I don't think he even broke a sweat- but I think he was in heaven running with his girls- a dream come true. We were so happy to have him there- encouraging us to keep on running. He had to round early at the hospital and rush back to work after the race. Thanks honey!

We did it!! Elizabeth left me in the dust at the finish line. She decided to kick it up a notch for the finish. Way to go girl!!! According to my watch- our times were 37:00 for Liz, and 37:10 for me- we wanted to average a 12 minute mile for our first race and we nailed it! Hooray!!!!

Next time. . .

Showing off our numbers-these are going on my special closet bulletin board

Elizabeth is showing off the goods- yummy muffins and granola bars.

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