Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Adoption blaahg......

Blog, what a weird term.  Yes, I think it's a mash-up of web and log but if it were me who picked the name I think I would have chosen something different.  Blog is a lot like blaah which is kind of how Becky and I are feeling right at this moment.

We were hoping to write that everything went perfect at court today but, alas, that is was not the case (a court pun for the purists).

The good news - the judge (finally) heard our case.

The bad news - the judge said he was going to issue an "interim adoption decree" rather than the "full adoption decree."

The GREAT news!! - we will now be considered Joy's parents in Ghana (Yeah! Praise the Lord!!)

The uncertain news - what does this "interim decree" mean?  As best as we can piece together it means that we're kind of in adoption parent try-outs.  If we take good care of Joy over the next two years then we can go before the court again in Ghana and they will decide at that time if they will issue the "full and final" decree.  What?? does that mean that they could take her away from us after two years????  In theory that's possible but from what we've been able to read (and talk to others with more knowledge) this is highly unlikely.

I'm a guy who likes certainty.  I really only like surprises on Christmas morning and my birthday - if the rest of the year was fairly scripted with nice like check boxes in front of my various assigned tasks - I'd be a pretty happy (type A) camper (who would rather not sleep in a tent and gets to shower at least once or twice a day).  This ruling introduces some more uncertainty into a process that has already be faith testing and faith building.

We both know (and trust) that the Lord has everything under control.  We've heard an encouraging story about a family who were told they had an interim decree and when their power-of-attorney (POA) went to pick up the paperwork it had been changed to a full decree -- [God - that would be awesome and we'd be perfectly okay with that kind of surprise move] but we want to thank and praise Him for bringing us this far.  The adventure continues and we're not jumping off the roller coaster no matter what.

I asked our POA what Joy's name is now and he said "Joy, something, something, Homme".  That's pretty much his typical communication style but no matter what "something, something" means as long as the first and the last part are right we're good to go!

So, this started out blaah-gy but I want it to end on a much higher note.  We're Joy's parents!  We're humbled, thankful, and excited.  We truly appreciate all of you for your thoughts, prayers, support, and friendship and we will keep you posted as we know more.

And now for the big reveal.... (we feel like we can now show more pictures since we've come through court minimally-scathed) here is our beautiful little girl Joy something, something Homme.

With love,
-Jay & Becky (on behalf of the Homme Clan -- of 8)

Friday, August 9, 2013

Never Give Up

    Never Give Up
 The title of my devotional today was "Never Give Up".  I have been using my You Version app for my devotionals each morning. Title: "100 Days of Hope". Today was day 100.  When I first started the series, I was struck by how many days the message seemed to line up with what was happening in our adoption world.  I even had the thought that maybe by the end of the 100 days, we would be bringing our Joy home. This could have been the case, IF... if judges did not go on leave, to return for only a few days before going on leave again... if representatives had all the paperwork together on time... if other judges did not leave and miss appointments- over and over.  As each development has happened, we have rested once again in the Lord's goodness, and in His sovereign plan.  We KNOW His ways are not our ways, His ways are perfect.  (We have had the privilege if seeing some of the blessings of this new time frame.  We praise Him for allowing us to see them!)    Well- today was our court date (AGAIN) and on the 100th day of Hope!  I began to think that the timing could not have been more perfect for a good court outcome.  What a faith story that would be!  How cool to be able to share that with others.  Well, you can imagine the conflicting emotions this morning when the devotional title was "Never Give Up".
 This journey is all about living in limbo and having faith. And it's also about living out that faith daily with prayer, and by actively resting in His plan.  We really have no control and that is OK.  After all- we fully trust our savior and Lord.  He IS ABLE.  EVEN IF- judges go home early, judges leave for vacation/sabbatical without notice, or papers come in late. HE IS ABLE.  He is good and loving.   He IS loving and really does "talk" to us and help us in His way  .For me, that is often through scripture, devotionals, sermons etc.  So when the "message" seemed to be that a huge disappointment was coming, I began preparing my heart for that. Well, you can probably tell by my tone that disappointment came yet again.  Here is how Jay stated it in an email:

Friends and Family,

Many of you knew that we were scheduled to have our adoption case heard today in Ghana after having it fall through on several previous occasions (including when we were in country).  Today brings another delay/disappointment because, once again, the judge decided to adjourn court before hearing our case (or several other adoption cases which are on his docket).    We don’t have a good explanation for why this continues to happen but I called and spoke with our Power of Attorney (POA) and he seemed frustrated as well (this was the first time he didn’t just tell me to remain patient).

They are going to try again next Friday (August 16th) but if it’s the same thing as today our POA plans to withdraw our case from this particular judge and re-submit to another judge who he say is “very good.”  That will likely delay any hearing for at least a couple weeks while they get it scheduled but it may be better than continuing to be strung along in this fashion.

He doesn’t think that I will need to return to Ghana for the hearing but if we switch judges there is always that possibility and he’ll let me know.

Thanks for your thoughts, prayers, and support during this process.


Once again, we would covet your prayers.  To be honest, after the latest disappointment, we are a bit ticked off (at people who make appointments/commitments and then don't keep them- just because), and I feel a bit wounded. I am so thankful for a tender Lord.   He knew I would need to "hear" in my devotional that He is near, and that I should keep on going and believing, just like our hero's of faith in scripture did.  And He has blessed us with so many awesome friends and family members- you guys!-  who love us and pray for us while we "lick our wounds" and get back on our knees, and rest in the knowledge that He is able to do immeasurably more than we can hope or imagine! Thank you for praying for us!!!

Here was my devotional today (for those interested):

Never Give Up    (YouVersion, 100 Days of Hope)

John 21:6  "He said to them, "Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some."  So they cast it, and now they were not able to haul it in, because of the quantity of fish."

These words of Jesus encourage us to keep going in our calling.  The disciples were ready to give up.  They had been fishing all night and had caught nothing.  But Jesus is quick to come to our rescue.  Every giant in the Bible passed through such moments in life.  One example is Moses before Pharaoh.  Every time resistance increased, God was always present and proved that He was there with Moses.  Moses is now known for his persistence.  David is known for his daring faith.  The entire army of Israel was afraid of the giant Goliath; they had given up.  He could have followed their example.  But he trusted in the Lord, and God made him victorious.  Jonah is remembered for his reluctant obedience, but God rescued him, turned his hopelessness into obedience to Him, and an entire city received God's mercy.

When difficulties come, it is easy to give up.  When we face illness or death in life, it's hard not to get discouraged.  As we serve in various positions in God's ministry or in any business, it's easy to be overwhelmed sometimes due to lack of success, lack of resources, or lack of support.  We often reach the point of despair.  Has anything like this happened to you?  We feel it's time to give up, just like the disciples who tell Christ that they had caught nothing.

If discouragement ever comes to our path, let's know that we have Christ on our side to help us through.

Prayer:  Father, thank you for the example of your Word to see individuals who had to face trying times, but who recognized that you were near to them.  Amen.

Love you all!  We are so very thankful for you!!!
-Becky (& the rest of the clan)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

We Have A Court Date! (again)

Hello friends and family!
We have been patiently waiting for news from our POA about court. Jay finally received a brief text then email. Despite days of waiting-trying to have our case heard by the Judge, up to this point our POA has not been able to have our case heard.  BUT - he has now been given a new date by the Judge.  August 9th!!!  PLEASE pray that all of the people who need to be there - will be!  That includes the social services rep., the lawyer, the POA, and the Judge. Most importantly-  Please pray that we receive a final adoption decree!!  Please pray that in the meantime, our Joy will continue to be well cared for in our absence.  Also, we are missing our girl!  We treasure every picture and video we have of her and are so very thankful for all the time we got to spend with her (yes- even those hard times).  However, we long for the day we can see her again and bring her home!!(I think Jay would be hopping a plane to attend court if I had not restrained him ;0)- we all know the date could change ).  Please pray for us- to feel the Lord's presence during this period of waiting and that we will rest in His loving arms and trust His sovereign plan.

Psalm 56:3 "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you."

Joy and Momma- finding safety in loving arms!