Sunday, July 14, 2013

Short and sweet.....

A big thanks today for all the prayers - we could really feel them and we truly believe they were the reason that today seemed to go much better with Joy.  She is, as the post title refers to, short (hey, she is only 3) and sweet (we got to see a lot more of that today, especially her somewhat mischievous little grin when she knows she has done something funny).  She had almost no crying episodes for foster Mom today and also did well on a trip to the Accra mall (yes, it looks like malls everywhere look - go figure!).  We also got to experience some of the testing that three year olds do when they (hopefully) feel secure so Becky had to lay down he law a little bit tonight just before bed (in an appropriate loving soon to be adoptive parent way).  This felt like a good day!

She has become Becky's shadow and rarely is more than a few feet away.  We are contstantly amazed at her vocabulary and she even said to Becky tonight at dinner (soon after being asked to stop jumping on the bench for the umpteenth time) "I really like to call you Momma" (insert sentimental ahhhs.....).

We were packing up most of our things today because tomorrow we will leave for Cape Coast (around a three hour drive) as this is where court will be held on Thursday.  We pray that the drive and transition to a new hotel goes well for us all.  The Golden Tulip hotel has become like home now after a week and when we return here on Thursday afternoon we know we will be missing our little Joy (as she will have to go back to her foster home at that time) but we hope to be sharing with all of you a very successful outcome from court (please pray specifically for everyone to show up who is supposed to be there and that the judge grants a full adoption).

As always, we thank you for joining with us on this amazing journey.

-Jay and Becky


  1. Oh, this is such great news and how fun is it to see such clear answer to specific prayers? Yay! Now we'll pray for the next steps. I saw 2 of your girls from a distance this morning at church ... one was actually nabbing some Hershey kisses from the CCC table in the foyer. ;) (I pretended not to see that. Sweet thing ... and now a little sweeter post-Hersheys!) May God continue to go before and behind you all!

  2. Praying for all of you that God will give you Divine wisdom, abundant patience, energy and joy as you start to parent this precious little girl. She is very blessed to be adopted into your family. I meet my new niece on Tuesday (adopted from China).

  3. Praying!! So special to read your journey together there! Jesus bless you all & may God shine His favor on you all for court & on kids at home!
