Saturday, May 30, 2015

WOW- 3 weeks!

All the kids together!
Joy has been home for 3 weeks!
I realized it has been 2 busy weeks since I last posted an update about our transition time with Joy. In short, it is going really well!! We have been loving our time together!  We are so thankful that the Lord has "made beauty from ashes"- blessing us with this smooth transition. We are reaping the benefits from the last 2 painful years of bonding through long distance phone calls and in-country visits.
I love Emily!  

So pretty!


Making Wishes

She's a ham!

Belle, Minnie Mouse and Cinderella

Baking together- having way too much fun!

Playmates for Life!

Well- it has been so very good but it has also been pretty packed.  Our girl likes to "go with!" She fears being left behind and is all too happy to join in on any outing.  There is no more running to Kwik Trip without a cute little shadow.  But that is just fine with us!  On the transition front, we are getting her all trained in on "American" stuff (grad. parties, VBS songs, the library, BBQ, pizza day at church, roasting marshmallows and making S'mores, etc.)  She will eat most any food- and eats a well balanced, healthy diet.  Thankfully!  Especially since we need to get some meat on her bones. Yikes she is underweight!!  Unfortunately for her, she has also had to endure doctors visits, immunizations(ouch!), blood draws (double ouch!!), collecting poop samples("why does the doctor want my poopoo?"), and pre-school screening (she actually loved this).  I continue to be amazed at her resilience and trust.
The library with her buddy - cousin Sarah

MMMM- S'mores!!

I am so big!

She is such a love bug!  She loves to 'check in' very frequently-especially with mom and dad. She tackles us and says - "I love mom!!!"  or "I love Dad!!!"  Oh sweetie- "We love Joy!!!"  She is solidifying the idea of being a Homme.  We continue to teach her about family:  family shares, family loves each other, family takes care of each other, we will never lie to you and we will protect you and come home to you after we need to be away. (The first few days of Daddy back to work she needed a lot of reassurance!- thank you Daniel Tiger for the "grown-ups come back" song!)And also, we don't need to whine or pout to get things like food- we just need to tell mommy what you need and we love to help you. Oh- and and we are training her in on family walks ;0).

On a family walk

She also giggles like crazy!  Her giggle is infectious.  And she has enjoyed the special visitors we have had at our house (kids friends and extended family members -Tebbens included ;0) ).  She was so happy to play with cousins and also to get to know Mike and Shelli's puppies!!  And she loves to do what ever the kids are doing- Justin taught her how to ride on her bike (with training wheels) all by herself!
Justin is an awesome big brother!!

Riding Bike all by herself!

Flappy's with Auntie Shelli

Mike & Shelli with Bella and Teddy

It is fun to see our life through her eyes.  For example- Work in her mind is purely for money.  So Dad works so we have food and a house and everything here. I tried to explain he also works to help people and do what God has gifted him to do.  But she said- "yes for food".  Elizabeth and Emily "work for school fees". Yep- pretty much. I will have to do a post on Joy-isms soon.  There are many and they are so cute- I hope she doesn't lose them!  Already she tries to say water like we do ('wuhder')- oh boy- her British sounding version is much better!!  Her favorite phrases are "I am huuungry!" and "I go with you!"  and "I love...(insert Homme Clan person)!" She loves to sing and dance.  To end- here's a little clip of her singing and one doing her "Azonto" -a popular Ghanaian dance.

1 comment:

  1. So happy to read all this!!! I was excited to watch the video but when I clicked on it is said "this video is private". :-( Let me know if I am doing something wrong. I have been thinking of you guys and praying for you so much. I am so thankful Joy is transitioning so well!!! She is absolutely adorable! I can't wait to meet her in person!!!!
