Sunday, August 6, 2017

Countdown to Launch - again!

Countdown to launch....

 T minus 10 days...

Emily is headed back to Bethel as a Sophomore and is super excited to be rooming with her good friend Ally (and with some other nursing students). She is continuing the tradition of living in Arden Village East townhouses on campus.  She is starting to work for Bethel security- so be on your best behavior!

Emily and Ally
T minus 14 days...

Elizabeth is headed across the pond to study in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Paris for a Semester Abroad.  She will be traveling all over studying Brit Lit etc.  Should be amazing. For her. 

(Um...What crazy parents said she could go so far away for so long!!??! )

When she returns she hopes to be rooming in the Bethel apartments with her amazing roomie and friend Eva and friend Carli.

Elizabeth and Eva

As for the rest of us- we have gotten used to these beauties being home again and will need to reset again.  Sigh.  (Although Justin might be a little excited to re-establish his top dog status.) But if you see a Homme clan member acting weepy- don't mind us- we just miss the girls. And no judging-
I might have recently added- Whatsapp, Hangouts, Voxer, and Snapchat on my phone to supplement the beauty of Facetime.


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